• Yuli Adha Hamzah Universitas Muslim indonesia
  • Arianty Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: Students, Traffic Constitutions, SNI Helmet User


There are so many students who wants to taste freedom in their youthful years, even with just a slightest mistake or with a biggest offend that they were making, their sense of responsibliies were lower and it become one of the problems. So many students refuse to walk to go by location into another location, Parents on this era tend to spoiled their children they gave them freedom to use motorcycles even though they are still underage or do not have a driver license. In jeneponto region especially, are one of the area where almost all of their citizens use motorcycles, and without using an SNI helmet. They are tend to ignore using any helmet at all. The students that are coming home from school using motorcycles are rarely using a helmet also. The socialization of The constitution Number. 22 of year 2009 about Traffics and Road Transportation were being held on MTs. Tombo-tombolo in Gunung Silanu, Jeneponto region, the function of the socialization were to become a connection of information for the students to law enforcement, so that they will be more obedient to the traffic rules, especially using a helmet when they are using motorcycles on the road.


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