Saksi Pidana Pembunuhan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana dengan Hukum Islam

  • Besse Muqita Rijal Mentari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Lamaddukelleng
Keywords: Crime, Murder, Sanction


Comparative study as a research method for articles of criminal sanctions for murder in the Criminal Law Act with Islamic Law. The study was conducted in the Wajo Regency using data collection methods used were interviews and observations while the sample used was using purposive sampling, then the data were analyzed normatively, which aims to find out "How criminal sanctions for murder according to the Criminal Code Based on the background of the above problems, then the problem to be examined in this study is: "What about criminal sanctions for murder according to Islamic law. The results showed that the crime of murder is a crime committed in the form of an attack on the lives of others. The criminal acts of murder committed intentionally in the Criminal Code are regulated in the Second Book of Chapter XIX Article 338 to Article 350 concerning Crimes Against Life. Whereas the murder crime which is unintentionally regulated in the Second Book of Chapter XXI of the Criminal Code Article 359. Islamic law divides the crime of murder into three types, namely murder committed intentionally, murder committed unintentionally and the murder committed resembles intentionally. The legal basis for the crime of murder is regulated in several verses in the Koran and also in the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. Indonesian criminal law and Islamic criminal law outline the element of intent is in the form of an act that the desired culprit will have a certain effect. In the case of an intentional murder crime, the desired result by the perpetrator is the death of another person. Whereas in unintentional killings the perpetrators do not want the consequences that will occur. Therefore both in the Criminal Code and Islamic law, the sanctions of intentional murder will be more severe than those unintentional. Penalties for murder which are regulated in the Criminal Code can be in the form of capital punishment, imprisonment, confinement and additional penalties. Whereas in Islamic criminal law sanctions for murder can be in the form of qishash, diyat, kifarat, and ta'zir penalties. Indonesian criminal law is public law (state law), which is the law that governs the relationship between individuals / individuals (citizens) and the State.


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How to Cite
Mentari, B. M. R. (2020). Saksi Pidana Pembunuhan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana dengan Hukum Islam. Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum, 23(1), 1-38.