Penegakan Hukum Tindakan Main Hakim Sendiri (Eigenrichting) Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pencurian : Studi Kasus Di Kota Makassar 2017-2020
The research objective is to analyze law enforcement related to the case of vigilantism (Eigenrichting) against the perpetrators of criminal acts of theft in the city of Makassar and efforts to overcome the acts of vigilantism (Eigenrichting) against the perpetrators of criminal acts of theft in the city of Makassar. The research method used was juridical empirical with the research location at the Makassar Police Headquarters. The results showed that vigilante action could be processed just like a crime in general and vigilante actors could be processed as long as there were parties or relatives who felt aggrieved or objected. Cases of vigilante action can be prosecuted even though there are no specific regulations yet, but there is a tendency to commit crimes of mistreatment and
beatings. The efforts of the police and the community in overcoming the act of vigilantism are pre-emptive, preventive and repressive efforts, as well as the effectiveness of a community figure.
Tujuan penelitian menganalisis penegakan hukum terkait dengan kasus tindakan main hakim sendiri
(Eigenrichting) terhadap pelaku tindak pidana pencurian di kota Makassar dan upaya
penanggulangan terhadap tindakan main hakim sendiri (Eigenrichting) terhadap pelaku tindak
pidana pencurian di kota Makassar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yuridis empiris dengan lokasi penelitian di Polrestabes Makassar hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindakan main hakim sendiri dapat diproses seperti halnya tindak pidana pada umumnya dan pelaku main hakim sendiri dapat diproses sepanjang adanya pihak atau kerabatnya yang merasa dirugikan atau keberatan. Kasus tindakan main hakim sendiri dapat diproses hukum walaupun belum ada aturan yang mengatur secara khusus, akan tetapi ada kecenderungan melakukan tindak pidana penganiayaan dan pengeroyokan. Upaya kepolisian dan masyarakat dalam melakukan penanggulangan terhadap tindakan main hakim sendiri yaitu upaya pre-emptif, preventif, dan represif, dan juga keefektifitasan suatu tokoh masyarakat.